Code of Ethics
Code of Ethics
Given its mission, Arts Out Loud has adopted a code of ethics to guide its board members, committee members and staff in their conduct when acting on behalf of Arts Out Loud. The Code contains broad principles reflecting the types of behavior Arts Out Loud expects towards constituents, donors, employees, peers and the public.
This policy is not intended as a stand-alone policy. It does not embody the totality of Arts Out Loud ethical standards, nor does it answer every ethical question or issue that might arise. Rather, it is one element of a broader effort to create and maintain a quality organization that gives ethical conduct the highest priority. This Code will be reviewed periodically.
Board members, committee members and staff should:
- Respect the confidentiality of sensitive information about Arts out Loud, its members, constituents, donors, board and employees.
- Comply with applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations and fiduciary responsibilities in an effort to create transparency in all of our operations.
- For the board of directors, provide credible and effective oversight to the organization’s work without personal bias.
- Not accept commissions, gifts, payments, loans, promises of future benefits or other items of value from anyone who has or may seek some benefit from Arts Out Loud in return, other than occasional gifts of nominal value that are in keeping with good business ethics.
- Abide by the governing documents and policies of Arts Out Loud.
- Be accountable for adhering to this Code of Ethics.
- Implement and follow a Conflict of Interest Policy.
- Implement and follow a Whistleblower Policy.
- Openly and honestly tell the truth.
- Honor our commitments and promises to the best of our abilities.
- Appropriately acknowledge contributions from other individuals and organizations who help facilitate our goals.
- Not be deceptive in our fundraising activities or in prospecting for new members to join Arts Out Loud.
Compliance, Monitoring and Reporting
Arts Out Loud management is responsible for communicating this Code of Ethics to all members of the board of directors, standing committee members, as well as staff, interns, and volunteers and for ensuring its adherence at all times.
This form must be completed by all members of the board of directors, standing committee members, as well as staff, interns and volunteers upon joining the organization.
The undersigned, by their affixed signature, accept and agree to abide by the Code of Ethics policy.
(board member, committee member, volunteer, etc.)